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Shopping Small Is The New Black.
Shopping Small Is The New Black.
The Lilly Pulitzer Large Agenda is here in your favorite print, Exotic Garden. Keep your social schedule in order (and in style) with your new planner. Your favorite features are back - new *gold* the elastic band closure and spirals, reinforced printed front pocket and tabs, an entire section devoted to our favorite 5x5s... and two pages of new stickers inspired by custom Lilly artwork. There are plenty of new features this year including a monthly reference view added to calendar pages, and new graphics throughout to make you smile. This hard cover planner is durable and will safeguard your plans all year long. No matter if you need this as your assignment book for school, or your daily and monthly planner for your busy life, you will love your Lilly agenda.
Ceramic Oval Bowl with handpainted design/ bold and graphic for use in home/ modern decorative accen
Ceramic Oval Bowl with handpainted design/ bold and graphic for use in home/ modern decorative accents made New York City
By Mayware
Ceramic Flared Bowl with handpainted design/ bold and graphic for use in home/ modern decorative acc
Ceramic Flared Bowl with handpainted design/ bold and graphic for use in home/ modern decorative accents made New York City
New York City Empire State Building Art 12" x 12" for your home.
Compact and attractive home gym.
Ladies shoulder bag made in dark blue elegant leather.
By Nadira Bag