baby infant onesie godzilla dinosaur science- American Apparel grass gree- 3-18 months available- Wo
By: Mission Thread Clothing

Product Description
baby infant onesie godzilla dinosaur science- American Apparel grass gree- 3-18 months available- Worldwide shipping
Godzilla science, or dinosaur if you wish.
I print this with the friendliest, yet permanent water based available on a super soft American Apparel onesie. If you're not familiar with American Apparel they are completely sweatshop free, made in America and built last.
Sized by age but have a look at the measurements in the last picture to make sure what's best for you.
I do realize some things don't work out so I also offer free exchanges and refunds, have a look at my feedback and see you won't be disappointed!
Thanks for having a look!
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